Some answers to your questions
Here’s our shot at answering some frequently asked questions about Greater Govanhill. We’re in the early stages of putting the magazine together, and the project is subject to change, but this is how things stand at the moment.
How much will the magazine cost?
The magazine will be free. We want GG to be a resource for the whole community.
Will there be an online version?
Yes, while the magazine will only be printed quarterly, we want the website to be updated much more regularly.
Where will I be able to find a copy?
We hope to make the magazine available in local businesses and community spaces – yet to be determined. (If you run a space and would be happy to have some available, please get in touch:
Will I be able to advertise my business?
Yes! We hope to fund the magazine through a number of different revenue streams, one of which will be advertising from local businesses, social enterprises and charities. If you’re interested in finding out more, please get in touch:
How will the magazine be funded?
Rather than relying on any one funding stream, we hope to raise money through a number of different ways:
Local business/social enterprise/charity advertising
Grant funding
Events/workshop/training fees
A membership scheme. This is yet to be developed, but supporters will be able to pay a monthly fee, with different tiers available, and benefits for members
I run a community group/event/activity. Can I share details in the magazine?
We plan on having a listings section, and an online directory of community groups. So if this is something you’d like to be featured in, please let us know:
Which language will the magazine be written in?
The majority of the content will be in English. However, we recognise that this is not the first language of everyone who lives in Govanhill. We therefore hope to publish translated versions of different articles, both in print and online.
How can I share a story idea or contribute in another way?
For now, the best way is to fill in our online survey, and we’ll be in touch with you to follow up. In future we hope to hold regular ‘public newsroom’ events and will collect feedback/ comments/ suggestions in a variety of different ways.
Is this a long-term project?
We hope so! In order to serve the local community, it has to be. GG is in the very early stages now, but so long as we can make it financially sustainable, the plan is for it to run long term.
What is solutions-focused journalism?
Solutions-focused or constructive journalism, also known by some as positive news, is a challenge to the negativity bias that can dominate the media agenda. This doesn’t mean we plan to ignore difficult realities in favour of feelgood stories.
It means taking a look at what people and organisations are doing to tackle an issue, and make things better. This might mean looking outside Govanhill, or Glasgow, to find out how problems the neighbourhood faces might have been dealt with elsewhere.
Our journalism will strive to be rigorous, balanced and open-minded. But above all, we hope it will be refreshing to read.