Queen's Park Lighting, Cleansing and Food Poverty discussed at Southside Hustings
The Glasgow Southside constituency that covers Govanhill is one of the key seats in the upcoming elections, with Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar contesting the seat of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon. Crosshill and Govanhill Community Council held an online hustings to enable local constituents to put their questions to the candidates.
Repair Stop Opens on Victoria Road
The Repair Stop from the Remade Network has now opened shop 241 Victoria Road – the old Cash Converters Shop. Open from Wednesday - Sunday from 12 - 4pm. They’ll be offering affordable tech, electrical, and textile repairs to help Govanhill reject throw-away culture.
Equality Means the Right To Vote
This year marks the first time that refugees in Scotland are able to vote in the Parliamentary elections. This comes following a law passed in February 2020. In this article, published in Issue 2, Ahlam Al-Bashiri wrote about how she campaigned for that right, and what it feels like. If you are eligible, you have until 19 April to register.
The History and Culture of The Roma People
Today, 8 April marks International Roma Day. Roma people make up an important part of today’s Govanhill community. So in Issue 2 of the magazine, we published this article exploring their rich history and culture.
Greater Govanhill Radio Show - and Playlist - Launches 31 March!
Following on from the launch of Issue 2 of the magazine... we're so excited to bring you the first ever episode of the Greater Govanhill show. It will be broadcast on new local community radio station, Radio Buena Vida, from 1-2pm on Wednesday 31st March
Issue 2 Published!
Around 45 members of the local community have contributed to this issue, hailing from 10 different countries. We’re publishing 35 original articles and besides English we’ve included articles in Arabic, Polish, Romanian, Kurdish, Czech and Farsi.
The South City Way: A slice of Copenhagen in Govanhill?
In Issue 1, cycling campaigner Iona Shepherd wrote about the difference that the South City Way could make to the neighbourhood and addressed some of the key criticisms levelled against it.
Rediscovering Glasgow’s Southside during Lockdown
The pandemic has forced us to considerably narrow our horizons. Many of us now know every inch of Queen’s Park better than we could ever possibly imagine. But have you explored more of the Southside? Local charity, South Seeds, have created a series of walking routes, and treasure maps to follow. Share your stories of discovery in the comments below.
UNESCO Chair Calls for Languages Strategy for Scotland
At the opening ceremony of the BHASHA Glasgow Language Festival on Sunday, Professor Alison Phipps, UNESCO Chair in Refugee Integration through Languages and Arts took the opportunity to call for a Languages Strategy for Scotland "Fostering multilingualism for inclusion in education and society." We published her address in full.
Meet the Maker: Brian Morgan of Jangling Space
“Glass has life in it. Light hits colour and texture to make something totally unique.” In our ‘Meet the Maker’ series, we plan to introduce you to some of the incredibly creative and inventive makers that Govanhill seems to be bursting with. First up, is Brian Morgan of Jangling Space.
Asymptomatic Covid-19 Testing Centre Opening in Govanhill
From the 1st March, Govanhill residents who are not experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 are being encouraged to attend a new pop-up walk-in test centre at the Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Daisy Street, Govanhill.
Pentru Romi, De către Romi (Romanian Translation)
Am fost odată la o ședință care a fost ținută pentru a discuta problemele ce afectează comunitatea de Rromi. Eu am fost singura persoană de etnie Romă în acea încăpere.
Pre Rómov, s Rómami (Slovak Translation)
Raz som sa zúčastnil stretnutia, ktoré sa konalo s cieľom prediskutovať otázky týkajúce sa Rómskej komunity. Bol som jediný Róm v miestnosti. Organizácie hovorili o nás alebo za nás, ale nie s nami. Vtedy sme si uvedomili, že pri práci, ktorú robíme, musíme zvoliť iný prístup.
Rom Romeha - For Roma, By Roma
In Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill magazine, Marek Balog wrote about the new initiative by local organisation, Community Renewal to make sure that Roma people are at the heart of decision making when it comes to their community.
Under the Moon and Stars: A Literary Tour of Govanhill
Did you know that psychedelic psychiatrist RD Laing grew up in Govanhill? Or that John Buchan, author of the 39 Steps lived right around the corner? Have you noticed the there’s not one, but two libraries in Govanhill? In Issue 1, Keir Hind took us on a tour of Govanhill’s literary sights.
Behind the Portrait: Alan Tanner
Originally published in Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill community magazine, this is the first of a series where we get to know the people behind the portraits by Govanhill street photographer, Simon Murphy. First up is psychedelic artist, Alan Tanner who spoke about Dali, dragonflies and drawing.
Transylvanian Recipe: Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
There’s nothing quite like your grandmother’s cooking to transport you to a more familiar setting. In this series, we ask Govanhill locals to share a recipe reminiscent of their homeland, starting with this traditional dish from Transylvania.
Poetry Corner: The Glamorous Southside
Published in Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill, this poem was written as part of the Govanhill Queer Community Banner Project which set out to celebrate the queer community in and around the Southside of Glasgow.
Peek into the Past: Life in 1930s Govanhill
Now 88 years old, former journalist Arthur Oliver was born and brought up in Govanhill, living in Jamieson Street and latterly in Carfin Street until the age of 28. In this first of a series of reflections, he gives an outline of what life was like living in Govanhill in the 1930s.
Sumayya Usmani: Pakistani Food in Govanhill
In Issue 1, food writer and founder of Kaleyard Cook School and Kitchen, Sumayya Usmani, shared some of her favourite places to eat authentic Pakistani cooking in Govanhill and how that made her truly feel at home