Portrait of a Place: Simon Murphy's Govanhill
‘Govanhill Street Level’ is an exhibition of the photography of Simon Murphy. Twenty portraits of local characters stare back at you from A1 prints displayed in shop windows. Greater Govanhill joined him on a walk about the neighbourhood, to see how his portraits paint a picture of the area.
Best of the Fest - for families and in community languages
Govanhill International Festival and Carnival (21 - 31 August) showcases the creativity of local people and organisations and draws in talent from across Glasgow and beyond. In this round-up, Govanhill Community Connector, Marzanna Antoniak shares her pick of the festival suitable for families and those who speak some of the community’s 88 languages.
Fireworks, Blazes and No Man's Land: Govanhill’s Origin Story
Local historian, Bruce Downie, author of ‘Loved And Lost: Govanhill's Built Heritage’ will be leading a tour of the area as part of the Govanhill International Festival on Sunday 23 and Sunday 30 August. Full details on our noticeboard. In this article, he explores how this vibrant neighbourhood came to be.
Where to Buy Locally Made Face Masks
Face masks have become the unexpected go-to fashion accessory of 2020. And from Friday 10 June, it will be mandatory to wear face coverings in shops across Scotland. Support local makers and buy your hand made face mask from one of these Glasgow Southside creatives.
At least 88 languages spoken in Govanhill
A new online survey has found that Govanhillians can speak at least 88 different languages, from Arabic to Yoruba and everything in between. While the results are not entirely conclusive – the new survey has only been completed by 222 of the neighbourhood’s many thousand residents – it confirms the incredibly diverse make-up of this unique neighbourhood.
Govanhill-Based Cycling Charity Wants Your Unloved Bikes
Glasgow cycling charity Bike for Good, which has a Govanhill-based community hub, have opened one day a week for bike sales. However, they have announced that they are experiencing an extreme level of demand for bikes and have put a call out for donations.
Creating a Community Portrait of the Southside Under Lockdown
Deirdre Molloy of South Glasgow Heritage & Environment Trust’s writes about their latest community project. SGHET are attempting to document the COVID-19 era, by setting out to build a Southside-centric picture of our diverse community’s response to lockdown and the pandemic.
The Horn-Violinist of Govanhill: Meet the man keeping Queen's Park musical
Every day, Vasily Teglas sets off from home with a suitcase carrying a loud speaker and a traditional Romanian horn-violin. He unpacks by a bench in Queen’s Park and plugs into his amp, striking up with the sounds of Scottish, Romanian and pop music.
Time to Reflect: A Ramadan Like No Other
With mosques closed and people confined to their own homes, this year’s Ramadan has been like no other, although some have found there to be benefits too. Members of Govanhill’s Muslim community take the time to reflect on their experiences of Ramadan during lockdown.
Govanhill's Roma Helping Others Through the Pandemic
In Eastern Europe, racism and scapegoating are common problems for Roma people, Europe’s largest minority. According to Glasgow resident, Marek Balog, this has been exacerbated during the current pandemic, with many stories of blatant discrimination. Marek works for Community Renewal on their Local Conversations - Roma Govanhill project, and spoke about how he has been delivering food parcels alongside other members of the Roma community.
A Unique Perspective: Lockdown Photography by Dylan Lombard
Sixteen-year-old Dylan Lombard has an extremely rare illness. MDP syndrome is only affects 13 people in the world. But this isn’t the only thing that make him unique – he also has an incredible eye for the perfect shot. Dylan’s photographs of lockdown paint a stark picture of familiar streets, emptied of familiar faces.
Tips on Greening Your Back Court
No matter what announcements are made in the coming weeks, it seems likely that we may be spending more time at home than we might have planned this summer. But the sun is out and it’s time to embrace what we have. The Hidden Gardens team have shared their tips on how to make your back court into an enjoyable green space in the coming months.
Riding Out The Crisis: Glasgow’s Bike Heroes
While the streets have all but emptied of vehicle traffic, there has been an increase in cycle journeys across Scotland. Many are taking up for cycling for the first time as a necessity for getting to work. While others are using their bikes to deliver essential services to those in need.
How One Group of Govanhill Residents Transformed Their 'Big Back Court'
When missed collections resulted in what became known as ‘The Great Bin Disaster of 2018’, one group of Govanhill residents decided to take matters into their own hands. A weekly clean-up group transformed the back court space, creating a communal area that has become a lifeline for many during lockdown.
Govanhill in Lockdown - a poem
by Govanhill-based writer, Emrys Mordin
If Govanhill was a colour, it would be a rainbow
Bright, bold, brilliant
Colours we never thought would go together
Dancing down the streets
An unforgettable 80th - thanks to the community kindness
Marion Moore turned 80 yesterday. In normal circumstances she would have been granted her wish of going out in a limo to celebrate her birthday in style. But lockdown put paid to those plans. So staff at Hector House care home in Shawlands decided to get creative and turned to the online community for ideas. They couldn’t have anticipated the reaction they would get.
A Team Effort: Govanhill’s Food Banks
The independent Queen’s Park Govanhill Parish Foodbank normally provides food parcels on a weekly basis. At the moment they’re opening once a fortnight on a Wednesday for donations and then the following day for collections. Keeping things running is a team of volunteers working alongside local organisations and fuelled by the good will of local people making donations.
Window to Window: Connecting Govanhill Through Art
“Some of my friends thought it was frivolous of me to be talking about making art in the face of a wave of deaths. But personally, I don’t have the capacity to set up a support network and there are other people already doing incredible things in that area. I just wanted to create a space where people exchange skills, ideas or support – and have something to get excited about.”
Delivery Services Available in Govanhill During COVID19
We know that many people are unable to go out to the shops at the moment, due to the need for self-isolating. Delivery slots for larger supermarkets are booked up weeks in advance. However, there a several options available from local businesses and wholesalers, many of which are offering next day delivery.