It’s Mango Season in Govanhill
Artists, Ragini Chawla and Hussein Mitha have been facilitating mango workshops to explore the political and nostalgic elements of the fruit. To celebrate the mango in all its forms Rumpus Room hosted its very own mango party.
Refugee Festival Scotland Returns: find out what’s happening around the Southside
The Scottish Refugee Festival Scotland is returning from 16-25 June with the theme of hope – ‘showcasing inspiring stories and sharing hopes and dreams for a better future’
Tai Chi: The Pursuit of Harmony
Keeping our bodies and minds healthy isn’t always easy or cheap but Tai Chi provides a space for people with various abilities. Daniel shares how the practice is accessible and transformative for our minds and bodies.
Street Beats: Meet the Annette Street Drummers
In the midst of Winter last year, Greater Govanhill and The Ferret opened the doors to The Community Newsroom. To celebrate the occasion with the local community they were joined by Annette Street Drummers, a group of talented young kids who put on an energised performance to mark the occasion.
Southside Christmas Market Season Gets Underway
December is nearly upon us, and in the Southside there are a whole load of Christmas events already underway where you can support local businesses and find plenty of festive spirit. Find out where are the Christmas markets in Glasgow Southside.
This August, Tramway goes Beyond its Walls with Free Community Events
This month, look out for Tramway Beyond Walls. The ongoing programme takes performance and creative participation outwith the physical limits of its building, and into the community. The upcoming line-up includes participation, film, and family events – and it’s all free and unticketed.
Under the Moon and Stars: A Literary Tour of Govanhill
Did you know that psychedelic psychiatrist RD Laing grew up in Govanhill? Or that John Buchan, author of the 39 Steps lived right around the corner? Have you noticed the there’s not one, but two libraries in Govanhill? In Issue 1, Keir Hind took us on a tour of Govanhill’s literary sights.
Behind the Portrait: Alan Tanner
Originally published in Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill community magazine, this is the first of a series where we get to know the people behind the portraits by Govanhill street photographer, Simon Murphy. First up is psychedelic artist, Alan Tanner who spoke about Dali, dragonflies and drawing.
Transylvanian Recipe: Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
There’s nothing quite like your grandmother’s cooking to transport you to a more familiar setting. In this series, we ask Govanhill locals to share a recipe reminiscent of their homeland, starting with this traditional dish from Transylvania.
Poetry Corner: The Glamorous Southside
Published in Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill, this poem was written as part of the Govanhill Queer Community Banner Project which set out to celebrate the queer community in and around the Southside of Glasgow.
соленья в пандемии
Шли месяцы, а я все еще не могла вернуться к прежней жизни. И, наконец, я поняла, что в моих силах создавать моменты счастья и устанавливать новые связи. Пройдет много времени, прежде чем наша жизнь вернется в прежнее русло. Мне, так или иначе, нужно было установить связь с новым внешним миром.
Pickles in a Pandemic: in search of home
In Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill, Kate Samuels explored what it meant to be away from her home country during lockdown, and how it enabled her to connect with her local community in a new way.
Roma News and Views: 'Over to our correspondent in Lugoj!'
At the end of last year, Romano Lav premiered the first episode of a new pilot project, Roma News and Views on YouTube . Roma News and Views was developed during lockdown and is a creative response by Govanhill’s Roma youth to the constraints imposed by the pandemic.
Přes naše korespondenty v Lugoj!
Romano Lav na YouTube premiéru první epizody nového pilotního projektu Roma News and Views. Roma News and Views byl vyvinut během uzamčení a je kreativní reakcí romské mládeže Govanhilla na omezení vyvolaná pandemií.
Issue 1 of Greater Govanhill magazine published!
This week, Greater Govanhill community magazine was launched, funded by a Crowdfunder. Around 60 people from 12 different countries contributed to the magazine in some way. It features over 30 original articles. Besides English, certain features were also translated into Arabic, Romanian, Czech, Russian, Urdu and Slovak.
Where to shop local in Glasgow Southside this Christmas
Glasgow has re-entered a stricter lockdown, but while life may feel like it’s being put on hold, Christmas still looms large. Non-essential physical shops are closed, but online, the Christmas markets are open. Support the local economy by checking out these talented Glasgow Southside makers..
First Greater Govanhill Print Magazine Launching Soon!
Thanks to the overwhelming support of individuals and local organisations, we have smashed our Crowdfunder target meaning the first print issue of Greater Govanhill will be out later this year.
Street Symphony: The First Govanhill Street Music Festival
The inaugural Govanhill Street Music Festival was a resounding success, and an example of how we can still enjoy live music in socially distanced times. Katherine Midgley, from the Govanhill Baths Community Trust, explains how it came about.
Portrait of a Place: Simon Murphy's Govanhill
‘Govanhill Street Level’ is an exhibition of the photography of Simon Murphy. Twenty portraits of local characters stare back at you from A1 prints displayed in shop windows. Greater Govanhill joined him on a walk about the neighbourhood, to see how his portraits paint a picture of the area.
Best of the Fest - for families and in community languages
Govanhill International Festival and Carnival (21 - 31 August) showcases the creativity of local people and organisations and draws in talent from across Glasgow and beyond. In this round-up, Govanhill Community Connector, Marzanna Antoniak shares her pick of the festival suitable for families and those who speak some of the community’s 88 languages.